Hi! I’m Rahma, a Pakistani expatriate who called Oman her home since birth before moving to Canada at the start of 2021 to start a new life. Being a third culture kid, I find it hard to explain my definition of ‘home‘ to people, so I started collecting a bit of that homely feeling everywhere I travel.
I grew up traveling a lot with my parents who made me fell in love with it from a very young age. I always found solace in traveling, and my destiny of becoming a travel writer was written the day when one of my fiction essays was published in a kid’s magazine when I was eight. But things didn’t end there…
I grew up to become an Electronic engineer and no, I don’t hate my job, neither I’m planning to sell my belongings to travel the world. We, brown kids rarely do so. I worked a corporate job for good four years and saved up enough money to actually resume traveling after my childhood, but this time with my own money.
When travel started happening, I thought why not give writing a chance and just like ‘The Sane Adventurer’ was born. This blog has been my happy place since then! It is my canvas to draw my life the way I want and share it with the world. Out of everything my baby blog has given me, becoming an independent freelance journalist is the one I cherish the most!
Today, I’m a full-time engineer, a part-time travel writer, and a freelance journalist. My work has been published in digital and print publications, including big publications like The Independent UK and Passion Passport among others. You can view my writing portfolio here.

So what sanity you can expect here?
I came up with the name ‘The Sane Adventurer’ because when I started this blog, I wanted it to be around safe travels and adventures. But then I thought, why should I restrict my creative juices around one specific aspect of traveling, so I went all-in and wrote detailed travel guides on every country I visited.
Though I absolutely love everything about traveling (and writing about it too), I use this blog to also address serious issues like traveling as a woman of color, the discrimination I faced on my travels because I lacked passport privilege, and dealing with periods on the road. Yeah, you must be thinking that things got escalated way too quickly, but as I said earlier, this is my canvas and I love to paint it the way my heart pleases.
While I absolutely enjoy writing those detailed SEO optimized travel guides (that’s how I can persuade Google to show me in searches), I also love (and really want) to start a storytelling section on this blog. This will be a place where I can have a heart-to-heart conversation with you and we can talk about anything and everything about travel and the world in general.
So, stay tuned for an upcoming section called ‘Coffee chats with The Sane Adventurer’ soon 🙂
Before I sign off (for now ofc), here’s a little something I’d appreciate you to know about…
- By NO means I am an influencer or a content creator! I am a writer and that’s exactly what I plan to do here in the digital space forever
- I am an introvert by all means but I love interacting with people from behind a computer screen (you see right there, that’s the sign of a true introvert). So feel free to drop me a message/email/DM/PM or whatever new words for communication we have out there in the internet world!
- This one is not going to add any value to your life – I am a 100% mountain person and though I’ve been to places like Maldives and dived in the Arabian sea, my love for mountains is still going strong and continously growing

Want to work with me?
My ex-boss once said that I was one of the most professional employees in the company. So, if you think we can have fun working together by promoting a destination or writing amazing travel content which people will love to read – in the Work with Me section you can find all the details about it. Still, have some questions? Feel free to inquire about anything related to collaborating/partnering with me.
Think you can be friends with me?
The introvert inside me adores virtual friends so here’s everywhere you can get in touch with me! Drop a hi or your favorite dinosaur GIF, here’s where you can find me in the social media world.
Instagram | Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook | Pinterest
Thanks a lot for being here and I hope I was able to inspire you to travel more and travel responsibly!
Much love,
Rahma Khan 🙂